Sunday, August 11, 2013


After the final presentation to the Pierres, we are ready to publish the recommendations! The Pierres were pleased with how involved and enthusiastic the community has been about planning for the future of Lake City. Thank you again to everyone who participated in the conversation; this would not have been possible without you, and we hope that you continue to stay involved as the process continues!

The final product contains a proposed design framework & principles, detailed design concepts for all of the
Pierre Properties intended for redevelopment. This report and included recommendations are intended to inspire a dialogue and act as a planning tool as the community and the Pierres continue to develop ideas and strategies for Lake City.

The final recommendations are posted here. Feel free to leave comments and ideas; we hope that this document will inspire more ideas and conversation about your vision for Lake City!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Recommendation Review

Thanks to all who came to the review/open house this past Saturday! There were a lot of great questions and comments, and we will try our best to work those into the final recommendations.

Here is a link to the presentation from the Open House; the final document will be uploaded in the next couple of weeks.

Thanks again for all of your support, ideas, and energy! I had an incredibly positive experience working with your community, and hope to stay involved in the future.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Open House Success!

Thanks to all who helped and participated in the design Open House last week!

If you missed it, or if you want another look at the materials presented, you can find them here.

Check back soon for a summary report of what we found out!

Happy Trails,


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Stop by the Open House!


We would like to invite you to come see what we've been working on, and to give us input on the future of YOUR Lake City!

Join us anytime from 2:30 - 5:30 on Saturday, March 30 at the Lake City Library. We will have information and design alternatives involving form & density, land use & programming, and connections & circulation for you to comment on, add to, and improve upon as part of the LC Visioning Project and Pierre Property Project.

There will be a presentation at 3:30 to go over the design process and our progress; however, feel free to stop by and give us your input anytime from 2:30-5:30!

Please help spread the word to your fellow community members! Any questions may be directed to

Hope to see you there!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Thinking growth.

Lake City has been designated as a Hub Urban Village.

What does that mean?

Well, Seattle wants to prepare for projected regional growth by determining the areas best suited for accommodating this growth. They are committed to strong, sustainable communities, and created the Urban Village Strategy to match growth to the existing intended character of a neighborhood. In short, it’s better to plan for growth so that it happens in a sustainable, livable manner.

There are four levels of Urban Village designations:

  1. Urban centers: the most dense, many diverse services and employment opportunities
  2. Manufacturing & industrial centers: home to industrial businesses
  3. Hub Urban Villages: a balance of housing and employment, lower density than urban centers; focus of goods, services and employment
  4. Residential Urban Villages: provide goods and services, but not necessarily employment, lower density than the former designations

A Hub Urban Village designation means that the area has, or can accommodate, the following criteria:

  1. Zoning that allows a mix of uses to accommodate concentrations of employment and housing. 
  2. Sufficient zoned capacity to accommodate a total of at least 2,500 jobs within 1/4 mile of the village center, and to accommodate at least 3,500 dwellings units within 1/2 mile of the village center.
  3. The area presently supports, or can accommodate under current zoning, a concentration of residential development at 15 or more units/acre and a total of at least 1,800 housing units within 1/4 mile of the village center.
  4. A broad range of housing types and commercial and retail support services either existing or allowed under current zoning to serve a local, citywide, or regional market.
  5. A strategic location in relation to both the local and regional transportation network.

*For a full list and description of Urban Villages, visit
*For a map of all designated areas in Seattle, visit

So, what does this mean for Lake City? It means that your neighborhood is going to grow. Planning now for how this growth can happen will work to keep your neighborhood your neighborhood. It means that we have an opportunity to make your neighborhood better, and to expand upon the assets in Lake City such as transit connections, existing services, diversity, and natural features to create a better community for you and your future neighbors. So think outside the box! What do you want to see in your neighborhood?

Happy Trails!
